Learning How To Fashion Design Clothing

If you have ever thought of becoming the next Calvin Klein or Ralph Lauren you need to start with basic fashion design clothing. Fashion design clothing and other accessories are created with artistic expression and skillful implementation. For the most part people that are considered true fashion design clothing manufacturers are self employed and work for individual clients. All of the greats got their start that way and have worked themselves up into markets with mass appeal.
History Of Fashion Design Clothing
Before you start your career you should begin with a strong background of knowledge about fashion design clothing. The godfather of fashion design is on Charles Frederick Worth. He started as a humble draper but eventually established a fashion house in Paris. The thing that separated Worth from the simple seamstresses who came before him was that instead of his clients dictating to him what they wanted, he would dictate to them what to wear. The word couturier was created in order to best describe him. Also during this time sketch artists were hired to diagram the dresses and clothes so that the clients could pick and choose which garments they liked. This was far less costly than having to make the garments each individually and risk the client not liking it.
This trend continued to grow and expand throughout France and Europe. London was the next destination for high fashion and magazines began cropping up detailing the prevailing style. Department stores would send people to the Paris shows where they could purchase garments to copy and sell in their stores. Still at this time fashioned had not advanced to the two distinct styles of haute couture and ready to wear. For the most part the fashion design clothing manufacturer performed both duties as the need arose. It was not until after World War Two that these roles became sharply split.
Culture began to see two sides in the clothing industry, clothes for the everyday person then the high fashion of the runway. Most designers began to specifically design for one of the other with very little co mingling of the styles. Today it is much different as many couture items now find there way into department stores across the world.
As you can see the role of the designer has changed since Worth’s day, but for the most part the ideals of job remain the same. If you think that you have these same ideals then perhaps a career in design is something for you.


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